

Last night, two journalists were killed in Zagreb. I am leaving at 9:00 PM and Couchsurfing with Ben and Scratch.



I live across from this park.

I really want a latte with two splenda and soy milk right now.


Its 2 AM, Im hungry and plan on buying little or no groceries this week because we are leaving on Friday. I will post my itinerary when I figure it all out. Today I met this guy named Mark that has been living in and out of Prague for the last 15 years. He was telling me all about Bosnia how he was there during the war and how everyone would sit him down for hours and tell them their stance on it. Kyle just busted in to my room after coming from the same bar and it was hilarious. Im anxiously awaiting the new Madvillany, come Doom get with it.
This is what I like to see.


Croatia/Bosnia is this Friday and I could not be more excited. I am about to go eat brunch at this vegetarian cafe called Radost Fx. According to many of those cliche guide books it is the best meal in Praha, and its veg so im stoked. I saw Animal Collective and it was AMAZING. When they played the song Grass I don't think I have witnessed anything better live, but thats just me. Its really cold here and I still don't have a winter jacket, but I think instead of buying a jacket I am going to buy some weird stuff from the Vietnamese market over by Cross Club. They literally sell everything there and its extremely easy to batter for awesome stuff. There is also a Bosnian market that I am pretty sure sells AK-47s and sub-machine guns. Also there is a lot of black market stuff. Will post updates with pictures of this stuff.


Currently I am updating from this laundromat. I bought my ticket to Zagreb...Croatia/Bosnia...Im stoked!


A quick update

Last week was a week long party, going out to different places every night and meeting people. Also, I tend to walk over the Charles Bridge everyday I go to school. This is what it looks like
Its quite the experience because it is usually full of vendors and happens to be the only place that accepts Euros in all of Prague. It is also one of the biggest and easiest places to get robbed because of the high amount of tourists there, but its nice to walk over nice and slow on a busy day and to smoke or listen to your iPod, which ever you prefer. I leave for Croatia and Bosnia and will be posting an update about that when all of our travel plans are finalized. Currently I have been listening to Tilly And The Wall, M83, and that new Jenny Lewis album a lot. As far as hardcore goes I'm really stoked on that new Trap Them release and Sabertooth Mo' Fuckin Zombie. I will be posting more pictures as soon as I get myself to buy Double-A batteries.



God damn Sarah Palin, I fucking hate you.


Photo assemblage from Budapest